I'm a web developer

Optimized.Clean.Readable code.
guy coding

Hey there! my name is Guilherme, I'm a Jr. dev, I'm always trying to create and learn something new through coding.

Technologies I'm used to


My projects

Home page of a food app project


Web app where you can post and search recipes. Have a complete CRUD system where it's possible to manage users accounts, user's recipes and chefs.

Live demo

My blog home page

My blog

My personal blog created with Next.js and some other technologies such as Contentful(Headless CMS), React Query and libs like React Infinite Scroll, React Syntax Highlighter, etc.

coming soon

Typing Running

An app that helps you get better at typing, with it you have real-time feedback on checking if you're getting right the typing while you're trying to speed up as faster as possible. This app was built with ReactJS, but mainly just simple and pure javascript.

See code

Live demo


This project was made for a client and it's about marketing the client's product. I used technologies such as React.js, Node.js, Sass and API Restful.

See code


It's a platform where the client's users can access it to use the products available. Technologies used: React.js, Node.js, Sass and API Restful. There were major challenges as I had to make the integration of the app with other functionalities that were pretty old😅.

See code

Live demo

ADR Negócios

This project was made for a client and it's a landing page for users to discover the products provided by this client. I used technologies such as React.js, Sass and API Restful.

See code


Take a look at my resume:

My resume

**Please don't worry you won't be downloading anything.

The file is hosted in google drive.

Let's work together